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CQ Connector date transformation from date string

Brian Gillan (3215330) | asked Oct 30 '08, 4:12 p.m.
It looks as though the CQ Connector only provides date transformation
from the internal CQ DATETIME format, is that correct? I have dates
represented in a string form such as MM/DD/YY, is there any way to
transform these with the provided transformers, or do I need to create a
new transformer?

If the later, has someone already done this?

Thanks, Brian

4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 31 '08, 5:49 a.m.
Hello Brian,

we ran into the same situation, but didn't have to proceed. About solving
it our thoughts where a hidden field in CQ with a hook to convert the data
for RTC. I don't think you can do something elaborate in the sync rules.


jrvasta wrote:

There is no transformer provided with the CQ Connector that will
handle that format. I've created an enhancement request for more
flexible date/time transformations, but cannot say at this point when
it would be scheduled.

Jazz ClearQuest Connector Team

It looks as though the CQ Connector only provides date transformation

from the internal CQ DATETIME format, is that correct? I have dates

represented in a string form such as MM/DD/YY, is there any way to
transform these with the provided transformers, or do I need to

create a

new transformer?

If the later, has someone already done this?

Thanks, Brian

Thanks John.

Is there any easy way to intervene and modify the data before it gets
processed by the synch rule?


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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Oct 31 '08, 9:00 a.m.
There is no transformer provided with the CQ Connector that will handle that format. I've created an enhancement request for more flexible date/time transformations, but cannot say at this point when it would be scheduled.

Jazz ClearQuest Connector Team

It looks as though the CQ Connector only provides date transformation
from the internal CQ DATETIME format, is that correct? I have dates
represented in a string form such as MM/DD/YY, is there any way to
transform these with the provided transformers, or do I need to create a
new transformer?

If the later, has someone already done this?

Thanks, Brian

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Brian Gillan (3215330) | answered Oct 31 '08, 9:45 a.m.
jrvasta wrote:
There is no transformer provided with the CQ Connector that will
handle that format. I've created an enhancement request for more
flexible date/time transformations, but cannot say at this point when
it would be scheduled.

Jazz ClearQuest Connector Team

It looks as though the CQ Connector only provides date transformation

from the internal CQ DATETIME format, is that correct? I have dates

represented in a string form such as MM/DD/YY, is there any way to
transform these with the provided transformers, or do I need to
create a
new transformer?

If the later, has someone already done this?

Thanks, Brian

Thanks John.

Is there any easy way to intervene and modify the data before it gets
processed by the synch rule?


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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Oct 31 '08, 3:57 p.m.

Is there any easy way to intervene and modify the data before it gets processed by the synch rule?


Assuming you're willing to write Java code, then yes - create a value transformer :-)


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