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RRDI and Work item Parent / Child linking

5 answers


Mark did you ever publish this on DeveloperWorks? I've been thinking of doing the same thing.

Hi Jackie, I've just finished a review draft of the article which is being peer reviewed. Fingers crossed it should be ready for publishing on developerWorks soon. Let me know of you would like a copy for review.

Hi Jackie, Mark,

This was very helpful... However, is there a way to connect the data warehouse data with the links? I really don't care so much if the links changed, but what I want is, based on the current links, can I get trended data of the children compared to the parent? I know that Agile methodologies is opposed to this, but I have a customer asking for the % complete of stories, based on the child actual work completed, in a burndown type chart. So, I need to get the monthly totals of the child tasks and factor that against the story points for each story... hope this makes sense and someone can help me tie the data together.


@Yogesh: Mark's recently published article (and sample report) could probably help you in the area. Note that I did not try myself (yet).

Thank you,.....Now I can create Parent -> Child Report..