Adding and deleting test cases from the current test suite execution console
I have a Test suite created and 10 test cases added in the suite
Started execution, after that some new requirement came and I have created some new test cases . I also need to add those in current test suite execution.
Similarly need to delete some test cases from the current test suite execution console. How to do that?
I have tried, but total test case count in test suite result is not getting updated.
Any suggestion ??
3 answers
If you cancel one test case execution from the suite execution, whole suite execution will be canceled
The concept is very simple - Each time you run a Test ( TestCase / TestSuite) it creates a new Test Execution Record (TER).
In your case above , as Subhajit suggested go to TestSuite > re add the testcases . Run the TestSuite .This will create a new TER record.
Hope it is clear
One clarification
"The concept is very simple - Each time you run a Test ( TestCase / TestSuite) it creates a new Test Execution Record (TER)."
No that is not true. I think Anoop meant Testcase/Test Suite Result . Each execution creates new Result
Thanks for your inputs.
Say for example there are 10 testcase within a TestSuite...
Before the start of test suite execution, you see an option to exclude or include the testcases..
Lets assume that I have included 10testcases and started the execution. During the process of execution, I notice that the 5th Testcase is failed and I want to exclude it during the runtime. (I suspect this is not possible as we have to cancel the entire TestSuite execution).
We can re-run the failed testcase seperately and include it in the same Testsuite during the 2nd attempt of executing the TestSuite.
If this is correct, i believe there would be two TSER's created. 1st execution result displaying the execution of 10 testcases and 2nd execution which includes the corrected failed testcase.
So in RQM is there a way where in we say that since we are selecting the same TestSuite executed twice, only one TSER result gets created.
Ie; The 2nd execution results gets appended to the first result (TSER) ?? instead of 2 TSERs getting created???
i think what you mean/need is the function "Roll-up results"..
Here's a nice how-to video: