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Silent commandline update from to 4.0.1 on Linux 64

ERROR: CRJAZ9007E - A new installation is required instead of an update.
This version of Jazz Team Server cannot be upgraded by using the Update wizard in Installation Manager.
Leave the current installation in place during the upgrade process and install the new version into a new Installation Manager package group. You can use the scripts that are provided with the new installation to transfer the configuration information from the old installation to the new one. For detailed information about upgrading your server, see the
help topic.
That error code does not exist even once on the entire Internet. The link goes to generic instructions for upgrading from older full releases, which I am not doing. Anything I've been able to find tells me to upgrade the same way as I did from 3.x to 4.x, but that does not appear to work for a silent Linux install. This is the command I tried:
cd /opt/app/jazzInstall/rtc4web/im/linux.gtk.x86
./userinstc -acceptLicense -dataLocation /tmp/silent-install/data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-server.xml
Just like before I have both the web and repository files and have configured the repository location in silent-install-server.xml to: /opt/app/jazzInstall/rtc4, which is where I put the repository files.
Note also that I have already gone from IBM Installation Manager 1.52 to 1.6, which is required for 4.0.1.
Any ideas how to get this patch done? Please don't direct me to the interactive install guide. Those instructions don't work.
Other system info:
One app server, all apps installed, Tomcat, no LDAP, MS SQL Server
2 answers

did you read http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/roadmap_clm_upgrade.html ? The upgrade to 4.0.1 works similar to the upgrade to 4.0. or you need to do an install to a new location and then run the upgrade scripts, as far as I can tell.