Inconclusive result in RQM after executing performance scripts
I am using RPT 8.3 and RQM 3.0.1,
the performance scripts runs completely with proper results when executed locally,
all the scripts have the "Max elasped time for all transactions" performance requirements.
Also the performance requirements report is available in the local report.
But when i execute the performance scripts suite from RQM, some of the scripts results as inconclusive, also the result is not consistent for the specific script, some of the scripts will show inconclusive in a particular run and in the other run the same scripts pass/fail.
Is there some issue with my adapter and RQM communication
One answer
Can you do a GET on the test case result and provide us the xml. See RqmApi
Also do you know if this is a Test suite execution and execution was canceled before it could complete 100% test suite execution?
Also do you know if this is a Test suite execution and execution was canceled before it could complete 100% test suite execution?