How to remove test case which are not valid from execution console?
I have added 10 testcases in a testsuite and started execution for the same, later I realised that i need to delete 2 test cases from the test suite which need not to be executed, but after deleting from test suite also I am able to see those in execution console. How to remove those?
2 answers
What Subhajit suggested is you can cancel the current suite execution and start another fresh execution of the test suite. the new instance of the suite execution will contain latest set of testcases in the suite. Note that once execution has started, it does not consider further changes in test suite ,like adding or removing testcases, changing order of testcases etc.. And I think that make sense.
after the execution started if someone feels that some new test cases can be added/removed in the execution console, what is the way to do that?
Cancel current execution and start new execution again.
in that case whatever I have executed earlier those result will be lost..correct? and in the execution console again all remaining test cases present in test suite will be available for run. But I am suppose to execute only the remaining test cases.
You can retrun the test suite and exclude all test cases which you don't want to run again. This feature is available from v4.0 onwards
but in this case you will be having multiple test suite for a single release whenever there is a change in test suite, which is not logical and not a feature for any industry standard tool.