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Impacts of archiving category

Phillip Piper (15812524) | asked Nov 26 '12, 4:46 p.m.
Can someone tell me the impacts of archiving a category? I can't find them outlined in the RTC Infocenter. I'm using RTC

Does it just hide the category from selection in open work items or all work items? Any resolved work items remained filed against them? Any other impacts?


Accepted answer

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Nov 27 '12, 2:21 a.m.
Things that are archived are just hidden in the UI.  They are not removed from the repository.  When you archive a category, existing work items assigned to that category, whether open or resolved, should not be affected.  They will still be assigned to that category.  But you will be prevented from assigning new work items to that category.
Phillip Piper selected this answer as the correct answer

Phillip Piper commented Nov 28 '12, 10:47 p.m.

Thanks David. Is the same true of archived team and project areas? Just hidden from view but you can still view work items, queries, dashboards, etc related to that area if you need to search for historical information?

David Olsen commented Nov 28 '12, 11:05 p.m.

Yes, the same thing is true of archived project areas and team areas.  They are still fully functional.  They are just a little harder to find. 

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