Is there a way to run TSER offline like we have for TCER. I need to run 100s of test cases for onesingnle run.
Is there a way to run TSER offline like we have for TCER.
I need to run 100s of test cases for one single run offline. So I have created a Test suite for them.
Now if I run test cases as stand alone I can get their history by going to its TCER. Also I can multi select TCERs and have the option run Offline so that I can update the actual results using another XLS or manually.In between it creates a RQMS file which we can update using Excel and then import actual results using import from RQM excel import. For TCERs we can get history information.
My requirement is to get history information report for runs that have 100s of testcases which may be same, added more or deleted / changed from a previous run. To do this we are adding all of them to a test suite. How do I get a test suite history if I can't run Test suites oofline like TCER.
Why don't I have the same solution for TSER(Run Offline) . Is there a way to do it or I'm missing something here.
I need to run 100s of test cases for one single run offline. So I have created a Test suite for them.
Now if I run test cases as stand alone I can get their history by going to its TCER. Also I can multi select TCERs and have the option run Offline so that I can update the actual results using another XLS or manually.In between it creates a RQMS file which we can update using Excel and then import actual results using import from RQM excel import. For TCERs we can get history information.
My requirement is to get history information report for runs that have 100s of testcases which may be same, added more or deleted / changed from a previous run. To do this we are adding all of them to a test suite. How do I get a test suite history if I can't run Test suites oofline like TCER.
Why don't I have the same solution for TSER(Run Offline) . Is there a way to do it or I'm missing something here.
One answer
TSER offline execution is not supported. There is already an RFE to support it
Offline Execution for Suite Execution Records (62302)
Offline Execution for Suite Execution Records (62302)
anup Gaur
Nov 26 '12, 2:35 p.m.How do I edit the post.. I made a typo error.?
Pramod Chandoria
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 27 '12, 12:58 a.m.There must be a edit action, click on "more" and all optinos will be visible