Test Script Association with Keyword using RQMExcelWordImporter

What would really be helpful actually is a sample of the Config file content on how we can associate the Scripts with Keywords when using the RQMExcelWordImporter.
A good example would be the below config file where we link the Test Case and the Test Script all at the same time during the upload by simply giving and "=" to the association during upload.
testcase.dc:title=testscript.dc:title <<------------------ See here
I have tried doing the same as above but with Keywords, however the RQMExcelWordImporter tool doesnt recognise the Keyword element for some reason!?
e.g. testscript.dc:title=keyword.dc:title
Any info on creating and associating Keywords with scripts using the RQMExcelWordImporter tool would be appreciated.
One answer

Hi Moh,
this scenario is supported from Excel Importer 4.0.1
Import keywords and import script with references to keywords (61703)
you can refer to the sample "keyword sample.xls" after installing the latest version.
this scenario is supported from Excel Importer 4.0.1
Import keywords and import script with references to keywords (61703)
you can refer to the sample "keyword sample.xls" after installing the latest version.