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Is there and IDE integration to Embarcadero XE2/XE3

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked Nov 20 '12, 8:18 a.m.
Is there and IDE integration to Embarcadero XE2/XE3?

I 'd like to hear if anyone has implemented this.


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Chris McGee (50511117) | answered Dec 03 '12, 11:28 a.m.
I'm assuming you are asking about Rational Team Concert integration.

If XE2 or XE3 is based on a supported version of eclipse (e.g. 3.6 for RTC 4.x) then you could try installing RTC as a p2 repository like this:
  • Download the "p2 Install Repository" zip from "All Downloads" tab of the RTC download page from (use the version that matches the version of RTC your server is using)
  • Unzip the p2 zip
  • Launch eclipse
  • Go to Help->Install New Software...
  • Click "Add..."
  • Choose "Local" and pick the location where you unzipped the p2 install
  • Add the RTC feature for your install
  • Restart eclipse

Otherwise, you could try using the RTC SCM command-line interface (CLI) and a web browser for your work items.

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