Eclipse plugin not rendering in Eclipse NEON
We're migrating one of our major systems into JAZZ. The groups is still accessing JAZZ usage in their dev env to ensure a smooth transition in adoption for production work.
Currently they are seeing issues in 2 dev envs and are wondering why.
Their envs
Centos 6, Eclipse NEON, RTC 605 plugin
Centos 7, Eclipse NEON, RTC 605 plugin
They are seeing the following problems
- rich hover over builds, streams gives a black popup nothing rendered in it were there should be
- opening project process - team operation behavior - does not populate . You see the various columns but no values in any of them were their should be.
- opening various pains - streams, builds , etc. don't render until you resize the window.
Is there a compatibility issue with NEON and the RTC plugin?