How do we create an admin role with support for creating/managing workitem templates? without enabling the rest of the process config?

we managed a single shared process config template. and have 400 child projects..
each want to create and (update/delete) workitem templates for their teams.
but, it appears the only permissions that allow workitem template mgmt is save process config, which is everything in the process config.. we can't allow that..
I have seen the 'fine grain control' delta config in 4.0.1 rc, but it does not address this issue
fine grained process config change
each want to create and (update/delete) workitem templates for their teams.
but, it appears the only permissions that allow workitem template mgmt is save process config, which is everything in the process config.. we can't allow that..
I have seen the 'fine grain control' delta config in 4.0.1 rc, but it does not address this issue
fine grained process config change
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Jan 09 '14, 3:22 a.m.Hi Sam,
I don't see any work around for that. Anyway can you share with us how you managed to solve this issue?
sam detweiler
Jan 09 '14, 6:23 a.m.we only solved this by using people and a centralized change process. none of the child project admins are given permission the edit the process config. they must submit a change request.
I submitted an enhancement request that extended the permissions tree to the data in the process config. so a role could have permission to change the defect workflow. but not the story workflow.
next layer down from the current final flag.