RQM-CQ setup. XML parsing error: not well-formed
While configuring RQM- CQ Synchronizer, I'm not able to login , the following message will be popped:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: https://ecurep.mainz.de.ibm.com/aexfiles/pmr4/2/42073%2C999%2C616/support_files/tomcat-users.xml
Line Number 20, Column 37;
<user username="admin" password= roles="admin"/>
RQM : 4.0
CQ : 7.1.2
Credentials : CAL RTC license & also CQ synchronizer license .
I am following this link
http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.team.c oncert.tutorial.doc/topics/tut_cqconnector_abstract.html
Any inputs on this would be appreciated
Thanks and Regards
While configuring RQM- CQ Synchronizer, I'm not able to login , the following message will be popped:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: https://ecurep.mainz.de.ibm.com/aexfiles/pmr4/2/42073%2C999%2C616/support_files/tomcat-users.xml
Line Number 20, Column 37;
<user username="admin" password= roles="admin"/>
RQM : 4.0
CQ : 7.1.2
Credentials : CAL RTC license & also CQ synchronizer license .
I am following this link
http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.team.c oncert.tutorial.doc/topics/tut_cqconnector_abstract.html
Any inputs on this would be appreciated
Thanks and Regards
One answer
as per "While configuring RQM- CQ Synchronizer, I'm not able to login"
I am not sure if you're talking about CQ or RQM.
not sure if you're on the CQ Gateway set-up page....
what I usually do in the the context of CQ / RTC or RQM setup, I verify all the credentials separately.
- creds to access RTC/RQM (dedicated cq_connector user)
- creds to access CQ
I do this from the box where the gateway is running.
as per "While configuring RQM- CQ Synchronizer, I'm not able to login"
I am not sure if you're talking about CQ or RQM.
not sure if you're on the CQ Gateway set-up page....
what I usually do in the the context of CQ / RTC or RQM setup, I verify all the credentials separately.
- creds to access RTC/RQM (dedicated cq_connector user)
- creds to access CQ
I do this from the box where the gateway is running.