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Moving from Trial license to Permanent displaying odd behaviour...

John Trevisan (111) | asked Oct 18 '12, 3:56 p.m.

Hello, (RTC is version 4.0) we were running on trial license (which expires Nov 05), and then purchased 17 licenses. We import the new licenses fine and we see them correcty but the RTC Developer line shows a totla of only 16? It looks like it is allowing us to assign more than the total number of available licenses and shows the available line going into negative numbers? Also when we try to assign to a user it looks like only the trial license is available?

Two screen shots have been uploaded to the link below...

RTC 01 = shows the 17 licenses with a total at the Developer line showing 16??

RTC 02 = shows that when we try to apply the licenses to a developer it looks as if only the trial license is available. Why do we only see those that look like they expire on Nov 05?

Screen Shots

Thanks in advance

Anthony Kesterton commented Oct 18 '12, 5:45 p.m.


Did you try restarting the server after adding the new licenses.  This should not be necessary, but might help flush out a problem.


One answer

permanent link
Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Oct 18 '12, 5:59 p.m.
I took another look at your screenshots.

First step - go in to the license page with the Client Access Licenses section (the one where you installed the licenses) and select Edit.  Type in the number of licenses you purchased into the appropriate line in the Available column.  That column should be "editable".  That should make the licenses available.

Next step if that all worked.  You should then go in and see if you can assign the new licenses to the existing developers by checking the box against the new Workgroup Developer licenses, and unchecking the eval licenses. 

Report back here if it works or even more importantly - if it does not.


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