List of files to ignore when move visual studio solutions/projects from TFS to RTC?
2 answers
Since VS adds the SCC bindings to the project and solution files first you need to remove the existing bindings and then open the solution/projects in VS and share them with Jazz Source Control. If you share the projects/solution form the Solution Explorer the share operation will automatically add the new SCC bindings to the files and also add the required ignore rules to ignore files like *.obj, *.suo and folders like bin/obj etc.
Note: If the files/folders are shared from Sandbox explorer then the SCC bindings are not added, this makes VS think that the projects are not under source control. To circumvent this try adding the projects/solution to Jazz Source control from Solution explorer again, this time RTC will just add the bindings to the solution/project files and create ignore rules because the files are already shared in Jazz.
For more information refer to the section "Migrating from another Source Control provider" in the article
If you want to share only folders and files(which are not part of the solution/projects) then its better to use Sandbox Explorer. The Sandbox Explorer view is created for users who want to use RTC VS but do not work with VS projects.
Hi Krishna,
Thanks. What about the following structure in VS (actually under a branch in TFS shown within VS), any recommendation about the way to add them to the Jazz source control? (Assuming I already updated all .csproj/.proj and .sln files for source provider)
TopDir (not a solution folder)
TopDir\subdir1 (a solution folder)
TopDir\subdir1\subdir2 ( a project folder)
TopDir\subdir1\subdir3 ( another project folder)
Another case is :
TopDir (not a solution folder)
TopDir\subdir4 (a project folder)
TopDir\subdir5 (a project folder)
Hi Frank,
Assuming TopDir is your sandbox, subdir1, subdir4, and subdir5 become your share roots. You can share each of these folders against a component in your repository workspace. talks more about this.