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Build workspace access denied?

Accepted answer

One other answer


the build user IS a member of the project I am a member of.

Public visibility only provides read access.
Why does the build try to modify the repository workspace? The build should only load from it.
The build usually only does snapshots on 'public builds'.

the build def says 'accept changes' which would modify the workspace..

Hi Sam, workspaces are writeable only by the owner, so it needs to be owned by whichever user is doing the accept. e.g. in JBE usage the user given on the JBE command line also needs to own the build workspace, except for personal builds where no mod is done. The user must also have visibility to the build, which they always would if they're the owner. For personal builds, the workspace visibility either needs to be public, or scoped to project area, where the JBE user is also a member of the project. Note that workspaces are created with private visibility by default, except when created via the build definition SCM page in which case they're public.

thanks.. I don't see a personal build checkbox anywhere (4.0.4)

The personal build option is in the RTC build request dialog, if the definition is configured for Jazz SCM. If using Hudson/Jenkins, personal builds cannot currently be initiated from that side, though we have an enhancement request open for that.

thanks! knew I saw it somewhere