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Sorting in the Visual Studio Sandbox Explorer

Ryan Kersh (736) | asked Oct 17 '12, 2:36 p.m.
We're using the RTC 3.0.x Visual Studio client (we don't have the option of using 4.0.x as our server is on 3.0.x).  When I open the Sandbox Explorer, it displays the files and folders in an odd way: they're all jumbled together in alphabetical order.  For example:

- folder A
  - file A
  - folder B
  - file C
  - folder D

I'd like them to be displayed as they are in Windows Explorer.  For example:

- folder A
  - folder B
  - folder D
  - file A
  - file C

Is there a setting I can change to accomplish this?  Is this something worth filing as an enhancement?

Accepted answer

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Prabodh Mairh (3812) | answered Oct 18 '12, 4:28 a.m.
There is no setting to accomplish this. Files/folders are currently sorted on names in alphabetical order.  
I have created a workitem for this, further discussions can be done over this workitem.
Ryan Kersh selected this answer as the correct answer

Ryan Kersh commented Oct 18 '12, 11:54 a.m.

@prabodh_m, thanks for the answer and for filing the work item for me.

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