Can I display a link to the current user's profile in a dashboard widget?
Accepted answer
In 4.0 you can use the project detail widget, it shows the users and you can navigate to the users profile and allows to switch the tabs manually. I think in 3.0.1you can use the CCM Team Members widget to give users access to the profiles. You can have the About me on private dashboards. I don't think there is some way to compute the URL from the current user in the dashboard, but it is easy enough to reach the own profile in the top right corner using the navigation provided ootb.
Do you sleep? :-)
What is the exact name of this widget? I see My Projects and Project Team Members, which takes me to the licensing of the users...
Sterling, sometimes If I have to..... Which version of RTC?
Here is the 4.x Project Details (CCM) dashboard.... But, odd, it does not apear to be a standard viewlet, but comes with the project dashboard. I had not realized that.
If I click at a member image I end up at the user profile.
So that leaves the CCM Team Members widget for general dashboards or the general access capability below.
Obviously the profile is always reachable here too:
1 vote
Thanks Ralph. We've got most of your suggestions in place. You and I both know it's pretty easy to get to the profile pages but when a user doesn't really feel like updating it to begin with and I have to describe a multi-click sequence ("See the little downward facing caret beside the picture near your name? What's a caret? It's a hat, but this one is upside down. No, not that one, the other one.... ")
The Project Managers and Team Leads are a little more motivated to get this info updated, but since I can't give them permissions to update other users' info I have to convince the users themselves to do it. Sounds like 4.0 will make that easier.
Andrew, I suppose you are right 8-). I am not sure how to force people to. I have looked into the link to the user profile. The trouble is, it goes by internal ID and not by user ID. e.g. which makes it really hard to create a link that would be generally usable.
doh! sorry...,
I am in v4.0, but did not concentrate on that area. Still, the odd thing is that I went to my profile from RQM and RRC, and I can't find this option. When I chose the CCM part of the project, scheduled absences were displayed.
Is this an error? If I only buy RQM, what do I tell the user to do?