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Set Defualt Enumeration field based on the project area

Chandra Prakash k (21215) | asked Feb 27 '18, 1:10 a.m.

 Is it possible to set a particular value as a default for enumeration based on the project area name ?

In our environment we have master project area were it is sharing process configuration to other project areas.

Now we have a requirement to set a default value to "Domain" enumeration field (custom enumeration filed) based on the project area name. we need to configure this at master project area. 
so that, any work item created at child project area will have the default value based on its own project area name.
Tried the dojo script, but no luck.

any help is appreciated.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 27 '18, 2:24 a.m.

I am pretty sure you could do that with JavaScript attribute customization, provided you know how to set enumerations.

Tip: you need to provide the enumeration value ID as string to set an enumeration value.

Please see

as an introduction.
Also:  and

Chandra Prakash k commented Feb 27 '18, 11:32 p.m.

Thank you for the valuable tip.  

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