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Logout link is gone from the Web UI

Murthy Rallapalli (6111) | asked Oct 13 '08, 12:57 p.m.
for some reason, I dont see the Logout link right next the logged in user's name. I am using IE. Any thoughts or suggestions on why this happening?

4 answers

permanent link
MsKrypto MsKrypto (16) | answered Aug 26 '10, 5:23 p.m.
I am experiencing the same thing in WEB UI. Can someone assist please. Our environment is Jazz iFix3, RTC iFix3. However, if someone log in (via link) after receiving an e-mail, the "logout" is visible. :(

Thanks in advance!

permanent link
Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Aug 27 '10, 10:52 a.m.
for some reason, I dont see the Logout link right next the logged in user's name. I am using IE. Any thoughts or suggestions on why this happening?

What version of IE? If it is IE 6, then it is likely lots of things would be going wrong - and that is why IE6 is not supported.

If you are on a more recent IE - please log a defect


permanent link
MsKrypto MsKrypto (16) | answered Aug 30 '10, 10:15 a.m.
for some reason, I dont see the Logout link right next the logged in user's name. I am using IE. Any thoughts or suggestions on why this happening?

What version of IE? If it is IE 6, then it is likely lots of things would be going wrong - and that is why IE6 is not supported.

If you are on a more recent IE - please log a defect


Thank you Anthony for your response. We are using IE 7, version-7.0.5730.13. I will log a defect.

permanent link
MsKrypto MsKrypto (16) | answered Sep 07 '10, 3:43 p.m.
for some reason, I dont see the Logout link right next the logged in user's name. I am using IE. Any thoughts or suggestions on why this happening?

What version of IE? If it is IE 6, then it is likely lots of things would be going wrong - and that is why IE6 is not supported.

If you are on a more recent IE - please log a defect


Thank you Anthony for your response. We are using IE 7, version-7.0.5730.13. I will log a defect.

Submitted Defect:

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