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Convert a Word Doc to an artifact

Brati Ghosh (21144) | asked Oct 05 '12, 7:51 a.m.

When I am using the 'Upload' option of RRC to upload a Word Doc and later trying to 'Convert' it to an artifact the system does not create the artifact. A message comes up saying that it is being processed but the artifact is never created.

I am presently working version 4.0.1 M3. of RRC

wolfgang steindl commented Oct 05 '12, 2:41 p.m.

What happens if you directly import the word file? Does that work?

Donald Nong commented May 08 '14, 3:30 a.m.

Hi Arron,
The mentioned Word Doc Converter has little in common with the Word converter in RRC. In RRC, the conversion will produce multiple artifacts in a RRC project for further modifying and viewing. As of the current release (4.0.6), the conversion works much better than that when this question was asked more than a year ago.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Oct 05 '12, 3:17 p.m.
As this is a milestone release, and still undergoing development, I would  also suggest rising  defect work item on RRC

And if it does not contain any confidential or company sensitive material attach the word document that you used, so that the development team can test.

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