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I am trying to set the Plain Text of an artifact in RRC using the OSLC rest API and the creation does not set the plain text at all.

Samanwita Majumdar (5033940) | asked Sep 10 '12, 7:26 a.m.
Following is the code snippet which I am trying to use to set the plain text in RRC rich text editor

        String title = "MyDocument7";
        String description = "This is a test document created";
        //Note: primary text must be in xhtml compliant format
        String primaryText = "<div xmlns=\"\" >Test Document</div>";
        //Create a requirement request - Note the URL is "" because the requirement is not yet created
        RequirementRequest req = new RequirementRequest(server, "", shapeURL);
        //Add any internal properties to request by getting property URI from shape
        String primaryTextPropURI = findPropertyByTitle(doc, "Primary Text");
        System.out.println("printing the property URI ... "+primaryTextPropURI);
        req.addRMLiteralProperty(primaryTextPropURI, primaryText);
        //System.out.println("getting the content based on URI "+req.getPrimaryText(primaryTextPropURI));

Now the artifact does get created correctly but the primaryTextPropURI does not have the correct value. The return from the method findPropertyByTitle is null. The method conatins the following snippet:

protected String findPropertyByTitle(Document doc, String title) throws Exception {
        String propertyDefinition = "//oslc:Property[oslc:name=\"" + title +"\"]/oslc:propertyDefinition/@rdf:resource";
        XPath xpathNamespace = getXpathNamespace();
        Node node = (Node) xpathNamespace.evaluate(propertyDefinition, doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
        if(node != null){
            return node.getTextContent();
        return null;

Can someone help understand why this does not work.

Accepted answer

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Gabriel Ruelas (1.1k13) | answered Sep 10 '12, 11:09 a.m.

If you are using RRC 4.0 or later version then you have to modify your routine as follows :

protected String findPropertyByTitle(Document doc, String title) throws Exception {
        // based on last Resource shapes changes we need to use dcterms:title to get the property name
        String propertyDefinition = null;
        if (this.version >= 4.0f ) {
            propertyDefinition = "//oslc:Property[dcterms:title=\"" + title +"\"]/oslc:propertyDefinition/@rdf:resource";
        } else {
            propertyDefinition = "//oslc:Property[oslc:name=\"" + title +"\"]/oslc:propertyDefinition/@rdf:resource";
        XPath xpathNamespace = getXpathNamespace();
        Node node = (Node) xpathNamespace.evaluate(propertyDefinition, doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
        if(node != null){
            return node.getTextContent();
        return null;

This is because there was a change in the way the primary Text information was changed and now client code must use dcterms:title instead of oslc:name.

Samanwita Majumdar selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Samanwita Majumdar (5033940) | answered Sep 11 '12, 7:54 a.m.
Thanks Gab,

This works fine for me.

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