RRC Upload of word document artifacts using the API

I am trying to upload word document artifacts into RRC and the code works fine in CLM 3.0. However when I try to do the same for CLM 4.0.1 (M3) I made a couple of changes like modifying the url to make the readDocument work. The code snippet is as follows. In CLM 3.0 the variable urlset had the value
urlset = responseString.substring(locationURLIndex, responseString.indexOf("\",", locationURLIndex));
urlset = taskURL.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/");
and now in CLM 4.0.1 (M3) it is as follows:
The point where it fails is where I try xpathNamespace.evaluate and resultPath = "//rm:taskResult/@rdf:resource".
The Node value comes up for CLM 3.0 but fails for M3.
Is there anything specific that works for CLM 4.0?
String urlset="https://sowb-clm.dst.ibm.com:9443/rm/taskTracker/"+location;
String taskURL=urlset;
final int MAX_TRIALS = 20;
for (int count = 0; count < MAX_TRIALS; count++) {
// printResourceDoorsPrivate(taskURL);
Document taskDoc = readDocumentDoorsPrivate(taskURL);
String resultPath = "//rm:taskResult/@rdf:resource";
XPath xpathNamespace = getXpathNamespace();
Node resultNode = (Node) xpathNamespace.evaluate(resultPath, taskDoc, XPathConstants.NODE);
Please help me provide the resolution to the same and also if anything needs to be changed after this also for CLM 4.0 to work?
urlset = responseString.substring(locationURLIndex, responseString.indexOf("\",", locationURLIndex));
urlset = taskURL.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/");
and now in CLM 4.0.1 (M3) it is as follows:
The point where it fails is where I try xpathNamespace.evaluate and resultPath = "//rm:taskResult/@rdf:resource".
The Node value comes up for CLM 3.0 but fails for M3.
Is there anything specific that works for CLM 4.0?
String urlset="https://sowb-clm.dst.ibm.com:9443/rm/taskTracker/"+location;
String taskURL=urlset;
final int MAX_TRIALS = 20;
for (int count = 0; count < MAX_TRIALS; count++) {
// printResourceDoorsPrivate(taskURL);
Document taskDoc = readDocumentDoorsPrivate(taskURL);
String resultPath = "//rm:taskResult/@rdf:resource";
XPath xpathNamespace = getXpathNamespace();
Node resultNode = (Node) xpathNamespace.evaluate(resultPath, taskDoc, XPathConstants.NODE);
Please help me provide the resolution to the same and also if anything needs to be changed after this also for CLM 4.0 to work?