How can we differentiate between test results of Iteration 1 and Iteration 2?

How can we differentiate between test results of Iteration 1 and Iteration 2? According to the best practices.
We are running more than a 100 test cases for iteration 1 and same for iteration 2. Between some test cases may have changed, edited, added or deleted. How can we best track the difference between them as in the execution results. What are RQM Best Practices to do the same. We are coming from HPQC background and have no equivalent of Test Results which are separately recorded in RQM as artifacts. Please correct me if I'm wrong or give me directions to solve this issue as it relates to many Test cases in a single run.
We are running more than a 100 test cases for iteration 1 and same for iteration 2. Between some test cases may have changed, edited, added or deleted. How can we best track the difference between them as in the execution results. What are RQM Best Practices to do the same. We are coming from HPQC background and have no equivalent of Test Results which are separately recorded in RQM as artifacts. Please correct me if I'm wrong or give me directions to solve this issue as it relates to many Test cases in a single run.
One answer

Test Plan -> zero to Many Test cases
Testcase -> zero to many Testcase Execution Record
Testcase Execution Record (TCER) -> zero or many Test case result
Each Testcase Execution Record is unique combination of [Test plan, Testcase, Iteration and Test Environment]
Therefore filtering TCER for Iteration 1 should give you the list of test planned for Iteration 1
Similarly filtering Testcase result for Iteration 1 should give you the list of all results of iteration 1
Often we are interested in latest result of TCER. So that information can be achieved from filter TCER for a iteration.
See Online help for more details Help - CLM 2012
-|- Pramod Chandoria
Testcase -> zero to many Testcase Execution Record
Testcase Execution Record (TCER) -> zero or many Test case result
Each Testcase Execution Record is unique combination of [Test plan, Testcase, Iteration and Test Environment]
Therefore filtering TCER for Iteration 1 should give you the list of test planned for Iteration 1
Similarly filtering Testcase result for Iteration 1 should give you the list of all results of iteration 1
Often we are interested in latest result of TCER. So that information can be achieved from filter TCER for a iteration.
See Online help for more details Help - CLM 2012
-|- Pramod Chandoria

We are using only test cases and test scripts(we are coming from QC background they are part of test cases as test steps.). We are not using any other RQM entity like TER or TCER or TSER. What is the best practices for us.In the context of I1 and I2 while running muliple test cases for each.