Epic - Story tree on Release backlog(iteration view) like Story - Task tree on sprint backlog(workbreakdown view)

RTC Version: 3.0.1
I would like to see "Epic - Story" tree on Release backlog(iteration view) like "Story - Task" tree on Sprint backlog(workbreakdown view).
I would like to see "Epic - Story" tree on Release backlog(iteration view) like "Story - Task" tree on Sprint backlog(workbreakdown view).
Epic on Release backlog. Epic has some children stories.
- Story on Sprint backlog. Story has one parent epic.
I hope to see like below image. (In this image, "Story - Task" case).
But I cannot see like above image in case of "Epic - Story" on Release Backlog
This Epic has a "story" as a child.
Please advise me to customize. Thank you for your kindly support.