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Mail notifications on Workitem creation

VK L (8177157159) | asked Sep 25 '12, 10:17 a.m.
 My user profile has default settings for mail config. I created a workitem and assigned myself as the owner (owned by). And on save, automatically my id got added as the subscriber. But i did not receive any mail notification.

But i do get a mail notification when someone else assigns me as owner (or) as subscriber.

Is this the correct behaviour (or) am i missing something?


2 answers

permanent link
Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Sep 25 '12, 11:49 a.m.
Have you tried this?

Ryan Kersh commented Sep 25 '12, 11:57 a.m.

Nice. It looks like you can set it up to do whatever you want. Thanks

permanent link
Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Sep 25 '12, 10:28 a.m.
It's correct behavior. Yourself will not get notification as you create work items.

Ryan Kersh commented Sep 25 '12, 11:39 a.m.

It may be the "correct" behavior, but whether it's the desired behavior is another question. Personally, I'd rather receive the email and decide for myself whether or not I want to keep it in my mail box as a reminder. Is there a way to do this?

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