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prohibit development teams from modifying resource properties

Bernd van Oostrum (21735673) | asked Jan 08 '15, 9:59 a.m.
Is there a way to prevent teams from modifying properties on files?
For instance, I would like prohibit changing the assigned language definition.


Bernd van Oostrum commented Jan 26 '15, 3:43 a.m.

Any ideas on how to prohibit someone from changing the associated language definition?

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Nicolas Dangeville (31632525) | answered Feb 05 '15, 2:56 p.m.
RTC has some key operation that are process enabled. It means that for a given role, you can decide to enforce some specific rules. There are some pre-defined ones for the most common use cases identified so far. But adding a rule can be done by implementing a plugin.

One of the operation is deliver to a stream. the language definition is a user property set on a file. Here you don't want some class of users to change the user property. It seems that you could write a precondition to enforce that.


Bernd van Oostrum commented Feb 06 '15, 4:19 a.m.

Ok, thanks Nicolas.
Currently working on the plugin...


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