Where are custom categories stored in the FM model?
I'm working with a customer in their RQM implementation. They have many custom categories setup on several different artifacts (test plans and test cases mostly). How do we pull out the custom categories into an RRDI report?
The data dictionaries only seem to show where the custom attributes queries are located in the FM model. I haven't found anything specifically about the custom categories. Could someone point us to the custom category queries in the FM model? Thanks!
The data dictionaries only seem to show where the custom attributes queries are located in the FM model. I haven't found anything specifically about the custom categories. Could someone point us to the custom category queries in the FM model? Thanks!
One answer
The categories (name/value) are in-lined in the test resource. For example:
<category value="hi" term="categoryType1321881499796"></ns15:category>
To quickly see which resources have categories, see:
<category value="hi" term="categoryType1321881499796"></ns15:category>
To quickly see which resources have categories, see: