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Is there any logging out of RRC 4.0 web issue/defect?

Suresh Raman (9152433) | asked Sep 07 '12, 2:18 p.m.

RRC - 4.0
Logging out of CCM or RQM goes back to the login screen in the same browser window. However, when logging out of RRC, a new login window pops up on top of the browser window where I logged out. When I close the pop up window, I get the following error message. This happens on both IE9 and FF10esr.

ID CRRRW7553E  A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.

HTTP Status 401 - CRJZS0360I The remote authorization server is requesting user authorization to access the remote service provider's resources.

type Status report

message CRJZS0360I The remote authorization server is requesting user authorization to access the remote service provider's resources.

description This request requires HTTP authentication (CRJZS0360I The remote authorization server is requesting user authorization to access the remote service provider's resources.).
Apache Tomcat/7.0.25

Anyone else seeing this error?

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Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Sep 07 '12, 2:31 p.m.
Unfortunately, this behavior is correct.  A work item was opened for this same issue:  After logging out of RM\Web, Closing the Login Pop-up Causes a Failure (55490).  An enhancement to fix this issue is now being tracked in Provide a logout page for RM (57150).

Suresh Raman commented Sep 07 '12, 2:34 p.m.

Thanks Lauren. It is good to know that there is nothing wrong with our installation.

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