requirements project template - reuse/import/export
These are the steps I should execute following the documentation:
There is no link to "project templates" as in point (3)
I only see 1 entry in the list: "Rational Requirements Server Template"
Clicking on "deploy predefined templates" doesn't change anything.
Does anybody know:
- How can I add the other predefined templates to the list? (JKE template, Agile requirements template, Use Case requirements template, ...)
- where to find the link to project templates in the templates list
5 answers
I guess your JTS setup didn't finalized succefully. Go to https://servername:9443/jts/setup and check the whole setup, there must be a part which is not finished. I believe that those template are deployed to the server during jts setup.
"deploy predefined templates" is only gonna deploy the project process template(roles,permissions,etc...)
I'll try exporting again...
When exporting a project template from the "Manage Project Properties" page, if you are having any further problems one of the thing to look at is the permissions:
You must have JazzAdmins repository permissions, an Analyst client access license, and the Administrator role in the project to edit, delete, download, upload, or create a new project template.
Thanks in advance!
If the template is not appearing in the lifecycle project, then the easist way is to first create, RM web admin menu, the RM project and then in the lifecycle project page use the option to link to an existing project.
Which version of RRC are you using? I ask because in RRC V4.0.1 M4 we introduced the ability to import project configurations from other projects in the same repository
To re-use this same project configuration across repositories then you can create a project template, export it and import it into another reposiotry, create a new project based upon this configuration and import the project properties into other projects contained in that repository.