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Historical Values for custom attributes in BIRT

Vinay Kumar AV (17933837) | asked Sep 06 '12, 4:48 p.m.

I am creating a few custom reports using BIRT for RTC We have a requirement to historical values for a custom attribute 'Health' which is an enumeration having values 'Red', 'Amber' and 'Green'. In my report I want to display the value of this attribute this week (current value) and previous week (past value). I am looking at the WORKITEMS_CHNGS table to see the historical values but there is no option for me to query the historical value for a custom attribute of workitem. Can you please guide me on this? Thanks!!


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Vinay Kumar AV (17933837) | answered Sep 07 '12, 6:40 a.m.
 Can anyone guide me on this? Thanks!!

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