Plugin works on Tomcat/Windows but fails on Websphere/Linux

Accepted answer

I have seen a post around issues with the zip when using an update site generated on Windows on a Unix system I am not sure why that should be an issue, but you could:
- Try to unzip the jar file: jar –xvf myjar.jar
- Try to install RTC on Linux/Unix, check the access permissions and package the files again there.
6 other answers

Supported Java environments:
- IBM Java SDK 7.0 SR1 New for CLM 2012
- IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR10 FP1 [Bundled]
- IBM Java SDK (J9 2.6) specifically for System z
- Oracle Java SDK/JRE/JDK 7.0 New for CLM 2012
- Sun Java SDK/JRE/JDK 6.0 Update 23

Hi David... I am not a regular Websphere user, and so I did not know that, apparently, RTC runs on Websphere' own installed version of Java, which is already Java 6 on the Test machine!! so unfortunately, it did not lead anywhere, but thanks for your help, I will keep it in mind for future problems.

Provisioning using "/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles".

Let me reopen the question, as I have the very same problem.
My plugin is working beautifully in Tomcat/Windows but we cannot get it working on WAS/Unix. We don't get any errors. It is simply not being loaded.
What we have done:
- Created the .ini file under conf/ccm/provision_profiles and copied the correspondent folder with the content of the built Update Site into conf/ccm/sites. This folder contains the file site.xml and the folders plugins and features with both jar files. To be sure the jar files are ok, we have unzipped and zipped them again using the Unix zip command.
- Run CRJAZ0303I The profile install from "file:ccm/sites/rtc-commons-update-site" was started at "Wed Oct 15 16:28:07 BST 2014".
We can also see in that page other legacy plugins are successfully loaded.
The WAS log files do not say anything (or I haven't been able to find it).
Any idea what can we try to identify the issue? Any help will be appreciated.

make sure that your plugin does not have any runtime version dependencies.
sometimes those will not match the server (usually using a new toolkit and trying to install on an older server)

I would suggest to create a new question, as the other one is already closed. You don't gain anything on reposting here. You can create a new question and then reference the closed one if you like.

Anita Jey
Aug 24 '12, 2:08 p.m.Just wanted to clarify what I mean by "recognized" - The plugin was listed and available for me to use in the operation behavior tab.