I came across an error that prevent me from creating a Sprint Backlog Plan for a team. I have a project with several teams but for some obscure reason I can create sprint backlogs for all the teams except for one!
When I create a sprint Backlog plan, I select a team as an owner, select the current iteration but when I click on save I get the following error in the Web UI.
Any help is welcome as this is a showstopper for us.
Thank you in advance
From Firebug:
com.ibm.team.apt.shared.client.internal.util.AbstractFuture - FATAL ERROR - CALLBACK FAILED
https:// ccm-test.com :9443/ccm/web/_js/?exclude=D&include=com.ibm.team.apt.web.ui.internal.page.PlanningPageMain.js~com.ibm.team.apt.web.ui.internal.page.PlanningSearchProvider.js~com.ibm.team.dashboard.web.ui.internal.SearchProvider.js~com.ibm.team.scm.web.ui.internal.view.search.ScmSearchProvider.js~com.ibm.team.workitem.web.ui.internal.page.SearchProvider.js&_proxyURL=%2Fccm&locale=en-us
Line 539
Error from the Web UI
I have the same issue a small try to re-activate the question hoping for an answer :)
Note: It is best to "bump" a question by adding a "comment", not by adding an "answer", because adding an answer removes the question from the "unanswered questions" list. (I'll convert your answer to a comment).
ahhh, so there are two boxes in here my bad! sorry for the confusion. thanks for the conversion.
I am seeing this problem too when changing ownership of a Phase Plan in the Web UI. If I close the pop up and refresh the page via the Web UI, it sort of comes back to normal, but not completely. If I totally refresh the page in the browser, everything goes back to normal. Has a defect been opened for this issue?