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"Debug Configuration" missing Junit(Square) Launch , Eclipse(Square) Applicaton and OSGi (Square) Application

ANIL ABRAHAM (2322024) | asked Aug 23 '12, 4:44 p.m.

While performing the "extension Workshop" ( as given below) , "Debug Configuration" missing Junit(Square) Launch , Eclipse(Square) Applicaton and OSGi (Square) Application

am i missing any steps ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 23 '12, 6:26 p.m.
Hi Anil,

these launches are part of the project you load into your repository workspace. They however require the feature based launches to be installed into the dropin folder. I have seen instances where the JAR file got downloaded e.g. as xxxx.jar.txt. In this case you need o rename it t oxxx.jar. See the comments at . Your case looks as if you failed to deploy the feature based launches.

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