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How to understand where CLM 5.0.2 iFix 3 is installed

Bruno Di Giandomenico (501124) | asked Apr 17 '15, 5:32 a.m.
edited Apr 17 '15, 6:00 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
Hello, is there a way to understand whether the fix has been applied ? I have been asked to update CLM and DM from 5.0 to 5.0.2 iFix 3/2 for DM. DM shows that is is now at iFix 2, whereas CLM (JTS) does not show anything.
Is that wrong ? How can I be sure ?



Rafael Pirolla commented Jan 25 '16, 12:31 p.m. | edited Jan 25 '16, 11:51 p.m.


Any good way to debug the installation process? Nothing shows (fit at) in the about "popup".

Here's SystemOut.log:

[1/25/16 14:54:49:050 BRST] 0000000a patch         I   Patch service started
[1/25/16 14:54:49:053 BRST] 0000000a patch         I   Looking for patch directory in "/app/rtc/IBM/JazzTeamServer502/server/patch"
[1/25/16 14:54:49:054 BRST] 0000000a patch         I   Existing patch found: [N/A]
[1/25/16 14:54:59:976 BRST] 0000000a ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [jts_war] [/jts] [
equinoxbridgeservlet]: Initialization successful.
[1/25/16 14:54:59:977 BRST] 0000000a webapp        W initializeStaticFileHandler SRVE0278E: Erro
r while adding servlet mapping --> /.
[1/25/16 14:54:59:978 BRST] 0000000a webcontainer  I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module n
ull has been bound to default_host[:9080,:80,:9443,:5060,:5061,*:443].
[1/25/16 14:54:59:979 BRST] 00000008 webapp        I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Modul
e: adminconsole redirector.
[1/25/16 14:54:59:989 BRST] 0000000a ApplicationMg A   WSVR0221I: Application started: jts_war
[1/25/16 14:54:59:990 BRST] 0000000a CompositionUn A   WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=jts_war in BLA WebSphere:blaname=j
ts_war started.


Donald Nong commented Jan 25 '16, 5:50 p.m.

What do you want to debug? From the message, you have 5.0.2 iFix12 installed already.

[1/25/16 14:54:49:054 BRST] 0000000a patch         I   Existing patch found: [N/A]

Rafael Pirolla commented Jan 25 '16, 6:31 p.m.

Nothing shows in the about page.


4 answers

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Timo Reiss (209512) | answered Apr 17 '15, 7:25 a.m.
Hi Bruno,

the installed patches can be found in various places:
  • CLM shows any installed iFix in the About this application dialog window.
  • Check the [app]-patch.log files, e.g., jts-patch.log. This should contain a line like Existing patch found: []

If you expect anything to be listed but fail to see it (e.g., in the About dialog), then check you installation. A common error (at least for me) is to just copy the complete to the JTS_HOME/server/patch directory instead of extracting the server patch file, e.g.,


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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Apr 17 '15, 11:01 a.m.
Hi Bruno,
Yes, as Timo says, if iFix003 has been installed on JTS, the Help > About will show iFix003 in the Jazz Foundation Services area.

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead

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Rafael Pirolla (1649) | answered Feb 01 '16, 6:37 a.m.
 Most of the documentation regarding patches tells this:
Copy the server patch file into the  /server/patch  directory.

Trick is that if you want to patch CLM, you'll get this file from IBM:

And you need to put this one (that is inside this zip):

Inside the patch directory.

Kind regards,

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Melissa Weaver (621215) | answered Feb 01 '16, 5:34 p.m.
I have had an issue when I used the incorrect directory.  For an IBMi install the correct directory is::  /QIBM/UserData/TeamServer502/server/patch      
 Note that it is UserData   NOT ProdData. 

Hope that helps.    Melissa

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