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How can I programmatically get the list of Plans in an RTC Project Area?

Hi! I wish to programmatically get the list of plans in an RTC Project Area and display it in WebUI.
I looked through the Process REST API but couldn't find any information about getting the plan list.
Will be grateful for any hints.
Accepted answer

the key call is

Sorry, but the jazz.net search returns only 2 links on IterationPlanClient that are not really descriptive. Could you please be more specific?

And there is another question of mine you might know an answer for. It's about assigning WorkItems to Plans. https://jazz.net/forum/questions/85851/how-can-i-create-a-workitem-in-a-certain-rtc-project-areas-plan-via-rest-api Could you take a look, please?

You don't assign a workitem to a PLAN.. you assign it to an ITERATION..(planned for)
there may or may not be a PLAN created for that iteration..
Iteration = time span
Plan =
work = Backlog
over time = Iteration
by people = Team

Yes, I've already discovered that. I was mislead. Thanks for your answer.