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how to delete multiple workitems in RTC

I'm trying to delete multiple WI at a time but I don't get that option.
I'm using RTC I've JazzProjectAdmin in the repository and I'm listed as Administrator and Project Manager in the Project Area. Also the role has been given permission to delete work items.
I'm able to delete work items one by one from the web client work item editor, so permissions seem to be fine, but the 'Delete Work items' button is not appearing in the Edit Multiple Work Items box and we need to be able to bulk delete as there were many WI created by mistake.
As per the online documentation this should be possible: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.team.workitem.doc/topics/t_deleting_work_items_web.html, am I missing anything? Is there any extra permission I need to have for bulk deletes? is this enalbe for RTC
Thanks and Regards
Lorena Almela
Si Ning Xu
Sep 21 '12, 3:20 a.m.Hi Lorena, can you tell me how to delete workitems one by one form web client work item editor in RTC 3.0? Thank you very much!