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Can anybody help me with error message CRRRW7557E in RRC

Alejandro Nunez (241911) | asked Aug 21 '12, 4:55 p.m.

Hi everybody

Could you help me please with this error message while trying to open an artifact in RRC:

CRRRW7557E. The server has taken too long to respond.

The application has been waiting for some time for the server to respond to a request



2 answers

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Alejandro Nunez (241911) | answered Feb 07 '13, 2:38 p.m.

Hi Matilde,

In our case, it's a performance issue due to the network traffic. We are working to solve it.

Thanks for your advice.

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Iciar Matilde Olocco y Garcia (731520) | answered Feb 07 '13, 1:48 p.m.
Hi Alejandro,

Could you solve the problem?
we are working in the RRC and we have the same problem with some "TRACED" views.
We found this link in this forum , maybe, you may want to look at
In our case, the adminitrator had ran and re built the index, but we still have the problem.

thanks in advance,

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