Concatenating the two attributes/columns in an RTC query output
Accepted answer
Thanks Ralph. I thought of the same approach but wanted to check if there is something out of the box that cab help achieve this before going this route.
When you say primitive types which are those?
Hi Vinay,
please see that wiki topic it kind of talks about it. String and int type attributes are primitive. enumerations, contributors and others are not.
2 other answers
Problem Statement : 'Booking Work Item' contains attribute 'Availability Status', default value of this is 'No'. This attribute is calculated based on Start Date and End Date of work item. Same comparison follow with other work items Start Date and End Date.
By Query i am able to view this records with Start Date, End Date, Status,
If record not found Availability Status must be Yes (Auto complete)
If record found Availability Status must be No(Auto complete)
Thanks in Advance.:)
As far as I know this is not possible today. You might be able to do something with participants and Advisors. I am not sure. See and check if that would be an option. You can, on save, calculate related work items and roll up values.
Be aware that my advice is to use RTC OOTB and only create extensions if there is a business value to it. They need to be mantained etc.
Can we create dynamic query with the help of REST API (https://localhost:9443/ccm/rpt/repository). So here i can provide input Start Date, End Date of current work item.
By Http Value Set Provider I will get result in form of XML, will store this in 3 hidden attributes.
Status is calculated by Calculated Value Set Provider, i will manipulate the result by this 3 hidden attributes.
Is that possible Ralph?
But, I am stuck-up to getting custom attribute value by REST API.
[Not Working]
Please help Ralph
Sorry Vivek, OSLC is not the area I have invested a lot of time so far. Here is a post from Jorge, who did:
Maybe others with more OSLC knowledge can help too?