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How do we manage TERs for SVT type test cases that take 1 to 2 weeks to complete

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Aug 20 '12, 1:13 a.m.

We're supporting a SVT team in RQM and they have test cases that can take up to a couple weeks to complete.  They want to track the progress as the test cases are being executed.  I created a report for them in RRDI that will track the progress for them.

Regarding the length of time it takes it execute their test cases.  I suggested they create a single TER for each test and if the the test case takes 2 weeks to complete, they upgrade the TER at specific intervals with the current status until the test case is complete.  For example, if they decide to update the TER daily, after day 1 they'd put something like 10 points out of 100 Attempted, they after day 2 they'd update again and move it to 15 out of 100 Attempted.

Their testers liked this idea but management wanted to see a history of the updates.  Using the example above they asked if after day 1 they closed the TER with 10 attempted, then on day 2 they open another TER and the Attempted is already at 10 points attempted rather than 0.  Is this even possible?

My other thought was if it's possible to use RRDI to create a report on the history of the points update for a TER? Could it show the Date and Point Allocation on that date?  Is this possible and if yes, is there an example?

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Aug 20 '12, 1:27 a.m.
Hi Mike,
I think you should rather use Estimate and Timespent facility provided in RQM v4.0 and that also help in live status.
There is a field called Estimate which you can specify at test case level and can override at TER level. Once you start executing the TER, you can manually update the Timespent field to let manager know over all status of the execution. The live execution status shows two perspective
1. Points executed v/s total points This is more based on weight
2. Total Time estimated v/s actual time spent so far

Read more about it What's new in IBM Rational Quality Manager 4.0

Michael Walker commented Aug 20 '12, 1:51 a.m.


Thank you for the quick response. The team is currently on and don't plan to move to 4.0 until later this year. I did see the time estimates but they're focused more on the points allocation history and not the time spent.

Pramod Chandoria commented Aug 20 '12, 2:00 a.m.

"I did see the time estimates but they're focused more on the points allocation history and not the time spent." To clarify Estimate and Time spend is completely different from points allocation. It is totally dependent on Estimate provided and Time spent manually.

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