How do I set up config file for RQM Excel Import Tool to import Test Cases linked to mulitple Test Scripts?
Hello Forum,
I am trying to import Test Cases that link to multiple Test Scripts.
Two test cases (TC1 and TC2) that are linked to multiple test scripts (TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TSx)
TC1 links to both TS1/TS2, TC2 links to all of TS3/TS4/...TSx
**TS1, TS2, …TSx can each have multiple steps
This Config file below handles the standard 1:1 for TC to TS.
New Configuration File addresses:
Column/Field for Test Script Name
Connection/Link of additional TS(s) to a TC
differentiating between new TC2 vs Additional TS on current TC1
I would appreciate any insight on this. Thank you.
Very Respectfully,
Michael Kuk
One answer
Hi, Michael
Please find the info I shared here:
Hopefully this helps.