Chevrons appear when exporting RQM query to Excel
We are running a test case query in RQM so we can insert a table in to our sprintly Aggregate Test Report.
The Technical Writer is having to manually delete hundreds of these weird chevrons from every cell. Why does RQM include these with the query? How can we remove these from appearing with the query? Thanks in advance for helping us get rid of these. In some cases the chevrons are layered 10 deep and appear as a spear down the page causing even more deletions.
We need relief!
2 answers
Pramod Ilearned today that the user is actually copying and pasting the Test Case view table into excel because the export to csv does not work for the user who is gathering this info! So when he pastes it in excel it includes all the chevrons. So maybe I should be asking how to fix the export!
Either way let me know what you think and thank you!