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can NOT run traceability Report in DOORs 9.5 to RQM 4.0.6

steve Hill (634) | asked Oct 06 '14, 6:21 p.m.
 upgraded DOORS client from 9.4 to 9.5 now i can NOT "Run Traceability Report" from RQM tab in DOORs.

I still have one PC that has DOORs 9.4 and it works and runs the report and adds link to the DOORSRQM attribute.

But the upgraded PC does not run. I get an error message of:

"The Command could not be executed"
"Details - There are no Links to Test Plans from the current view"

Is there a bug in 9.5? Do i need to roll back all clients to 9.4?

RQM  QM 4.0.6   I2014025-1831
         jazz  4.0.6   I2014013-1407

2 answers

permanent link
Georg Kellner (840479109) | answered Oct 07 '14, 6:06 a.m.
We have the same combination of DOORS and RQM and the Tracebility reports are basically fine.

Just to make sure: Do you see the link to the requirements view in RQM or vice versa in the DOORS module?

greetings georg.

permanent link
steve Hill (634) | answered Oct 08 '14, 6:48 p.m.
 We have not upgraded the DOORs Server it is still on 9.4. 

I have tried 3 PC's with the DOORS 9.4 client and they all work.
I have tried 3 PC's with DOORS 9.5 client and they will not let me run the Traceability report from the DOORS RQM menu.

I can link from doors to RQM by following the links and can link back to DOORS from RQM Test Script Doesn't matter which version i.m on.  Links all work.  Once i run the Traceability report on 9.4 i can view it on 9.5.

I still get the error message only on 9.5 clients.
"The Command could not be executed"
"Details - There are no Links to Test Plans from the current view"

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