Guide to setup Eclipse 4.2 for Jazz development (RTC v3.0.1.2)

I've been trynig to setup Eclipse Juno (4.2) for Jazz development with RTC v3.0.1.2. But I can't even run Rational Team Concert on Jetty with it. The server starts and I can see the login page, but after that some libraries are missing all the time. I thought copying the dropins and features and plugins from an RTC v3.0.1.2 client might help, but no use. Will be grateful for any hints
These errors look like this one: CRJAZ0098I The "{/jazz/secure/service/}" service failed. The server returned the HTTP error 404 with error text "Not Found". + a long trace
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- Eclipse SDK 3.6, 3.6.1, 3.6.2
- Eclipse SDK 3.5.2 [Bundled]
So using it in 4.2 is not supported. It might work, but there are no guarantees.