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Is there an easy way to raise defect and enhancement on

Nhi P Ta (18841018) | asked Aug 09 '12, 12:44 a.m.
edited Aug 09 '12, 7:43 p.m.
Hi Team,

The new forum is much easy to use and is a truely open collaboration environment.

Not sure if this suggestion has been raised before. I find raising a defect or enhancement take more steps then required. I have to search around for the right bookmarks or refer to product release notes pages to find link to the right server to raise WorkItems.

Is it possible to add a button to raise defect/enhancement to a staging server and the appropriate production routes these to the appropriate server.


Accepted answer

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Takehiko Amano (1.3k3741) | answered Aug 10 '12, 1:35 a.m.
I assume this is question how to submit enhancement/defect to Jazz related products.

Use "MY STUFF" menu available in new  There is shortcut button menu to raise defect.
Nhi P Ta selected this answer as the correct answer

Nhi P Ta commented Aug 10 '12, 2:51 a.m.

Thank Amano-san.

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