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How to query the work item related changed program files?

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Jul 31 '12, 1:25 a.m.
We use the pre-condition of deliver to associated work item. So every change set will be related to workitem. 
How can we quick query this work item changing program files, and opposed how to quick query what the programs related work item?

In fact, our case is now we have a list of programs files, we should confirm which work item are related to these file change, and then deliver the work item. So we need to quick query.


Jorge Diaz commented Aug 09 '12, 7:32 a.m.

Not sure I understand your question your case: in your workspace you can right-click and say "Team > Show Pending Changes" and the pending changes view will open highlighting that file. From there, in the change set that contains the file you can see the related work item and do a right-click "Related Artifacts > Open"

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