What does this error message mean: CRJAZ1992E The task "com.ibm.team.repository.com.ibm.team.scm.monitorScrub" has failed with an unexpected error...The error message is "CRJAZ1411E Database connection has been closed. Check database status & ....?
6 answers
CRJAZ1992E The task "com.ibm.team.process.RequestRemoteEnterpriseProcessUpdatesTask" has failed with an unexpected error which has caused it to be unscheduled. The error message is "Failed to prepare connection". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
Resolved the above error by increasing the JDBC Connection Pool Wait time from its defualt value of 3000 to 6000. Ran the diagnostics and no errors reported.
Hi Madhu,
thanks for this information. It's very useful and helps to prevent this error message :)
We also received this error on our JTS server currently on v4.0.0. Increasing the JDBC connection pool wait time fixed the problem!
What is the impact though when this task fails? I am curious because we have recently been getting intermittent timeout errors from users when loading workspaces.
We getting this same error too, version is also 4.0.1.
No solution for this?
1 vote
We are seeing this with 4.0.1 as well. We just increased the heap size in DB2 and changed from circular to archival logging to support hot backups.
We are seeing this same top level error code with 4.0.1 (build RJF-I20121109-1457). We have just upgraded from 3.x and switched from data mart to data warehouse.
The top level error text, like Mike, is
CRJAZ1992E RequestRemoteEnterpriseProcessUpdatesTask has failed
The nested error that caused it to fail, like Mike, is database related, but different:
CRJAZ0368I A SQL query failed to execute properly on the server
Can we get some information on this in 4.01??
Here's our full nested error:
The error message is "CRJAZ0368I A SQL query failed to execute properly on the server. stmt = select distinct t1.ITEM_ID, t1.STATE_ID, t1.INTERNAL_LAST_UPDATE_ATTEMPTED from PROCESS.PROCESS_PROVIDER_CACHE_ITEM t1 order by t1.INTERNAL_LAST_UPDATE_ATTEMPTED asc". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
CRJAZ1992E The task "com.ibm.team.process.RequestRemoteEnterpriseProcessUpdatesTask" has failed with an unexpected error which has caused it to be unscheduled. The error message is "Failed to prepare connection". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
Isn't there any other solution to resolve this issue apart from restarting the server?
Best Regards
See the exact same error:
CRJAZ1992E The task "com.ibm.team.process.RequestRemoteEnterpriseProcessUpdatesTask" has failed with an unexpected error which has caused it to be unscheduled. The error message is "Failed to prepare connection". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
Please update if you found a resolution for this issue....