In RQM 4.0 can the Originator of a Test Artifact be made Owner by default
When we import a test artifact using word excel importer, I have observed that the user who is importing will be, by default the owner and the originator of the Artifact. ex: Test Case. However same is not the case when I create an artifact in RQM web. Can this be changed in any way to make the owner same as the originator by default?
One answer
Hi Dharshan
When you import artifact using tool like Excel importer, they have freedom to specify the owner the way they want and using it to set owner same as the user who created the artifact. From RQM's perspective it is REST API, so it sets owner as specified in API.
RQM itself does not assume itself that artifact creator is also the owner. Probably you can request for enhancement to have this feature using process configuration
-|- Pramod Chandoria
When you import artifact using tool like Excel importer, they have freedom to specify the owner the way they want and using it to set owner same as the user who created the artifact. From RQM's perspective it is REST API, so it sets owner as specified in API.
RQM itself does not assume itself that artifact creator is also the owner. Probably you can request for enhancement to have this feature using process configuration
-|- Pramod Chandoria
Li Chen
Jul 23 '13, 4:11 p.m.Our users raised the same question, so I am wondering whether you have opened an RFE.