How to uninstall RTC 3.0.1 Eclipse extension from RAD?
Accepted answer
depends on how you installed it.
1. If IBM Installation Manager was used then you will have to remove it using IM only.
2. If RTC client was installed using a p2 repository you can uninstall it from Help -> About... -> Installation details (button) -> Installation History (tab) -> revert (button) to a previous setup not containing RTC
1. If IBM Installation Manager was used then you will have to remove it using IM only.
2. If RTC client was installed using a p2 repository you can uninstall it from Help -> About... -> Installation details (button) -> Installation History (tab) -> revert (button) to a previous setup not containing RTC
2 other answers
Thanks for answers.
I little bit thought that I need to uninstall RAD. Plugin is installed via RADs software install.
There is no other way to uninstall this plugin.
If I have installed some other plugins after RTC-plugins, and I do not want that this plugins will uninstall too, this case reverse configuration either can't be used.
It would be nice if could direct uninstall just to RTC-plugin.
Thanks for remind to check that eclipse and RTC-plugin are compatible =)
I little bit thought that I need to uninstall RAD. Plugin is installed via RADs software install.
There is no other way to uninstall this plugin.
If I have installed some other plugins after RTC-plugins, and I do not want that this plugins will uninstall too, this case reverse configuration either can't be used.
It would be nice if could direct uninstall just to RTC-plugin.
Thanks for remind to check that eclipse and RTC-plugin are compatible =)
Tiia, because of this behavior I would always recommend to not install RTC using the options in RAD, but to install it using IM later.
There have been several questions on this forum about compatibility between versions of RAD/RSA and RTC versions. I would suggest to search and browse the forum hits.