RRDI / CLMv4.0 unable to connect DW

We installed RRDI via the instructions from help and the video here:
However, on video 3, there is a configuration that walks through setting up to extract the data from Money That Matters. We followed the video, but at the end where the user Connects to JKE, we are blank. The Data collection area states Failed, but we are trying to see what happened.
Where do we start troubleshooting?
5 answers

To make sure I understand this correctly, the install and Setup succeeded with no errors. You loaded the report archive (from RTC?) and can see the reports in the Cognos Connection UI. The Public Folders folder isn't empty. When you run a report, it runs fine but the project selection drop down is empty.
If that is right, I would suggest to first verify that the data is in the data warehouse. Look in the PROJECT table (RIODS schema) in your data warehouse. You can use Control Center if you are using DB2. You should see the JKE Banking projects. If you don't, you need to run the data collection jobs. I assume you loaded the MTM data with CLM and can see it in the product UIs.
You also need to ensure that the account you've logged in with has access rights to the JKE projects. RRDI will not show data in reports if the user does not have access to the project. This is a security measure, as reporting should not show data that the product itself wouldn't show.
If that is right, I would suggest to first verify that the data is in the data warehouse. Look in the PROJECT table (RIODS schema) in your data warehouse. You can use Control Center if you are using DB2. You should see the JKE Banking projects. If you don't, you need to run the data collection jobs. I assume you loaded the MTM data with CLM and can see it in the product UIs.
You also need to ensure that the account you've logged in with has access rights to the JKE projects. RRDI will not show data in reports if the user does not have access to the project. This is a security measure, as reporting should not show data that the product itself wouldn't show.

We connected, and can work in each of the MTM databases. We gave etl_user a contributor license and now we only get to view JKE Quality Management. If we select this project, the rest of the columns never fill. We still do not see JKE Change Management.
Here is an image of the RIODS: (again, we can work in the CCM part, but do not see it below.)

It seems to me that the data wasn't loaded into the warehouse correctly. Are you sure the RTC Data Collection Job ran successfully? Here is what I have on my system (I'm using CLM 4.0 RC5)

I'd suggest looking at the Data Collection Job results for RTC, and probably trying to run it again. Can you report successfully on the RQM data?
I'd suggest looking at the Data Collection Job results for RTC, and probably trying to run it again. Can you report successfully on the RQM data?

(Your image does not show)
We tooks a look at the Data Collection jobs and they all ran successfully. We ran them again, and everything it worked.
When we go to Sample->CCM-*, we can only see the JKE QM project. If we select it, we cannot see the next "column/filter". The JKE CCM project does not show at all.
When we go to Sample->RM* we can't select a project, but we can run and see reporting results.

Sorry about the problem with the image. All it really showed was a "JKE Banking (Change Management)" row in the PROJECT table, in addition to the two other JKE Banking rows. As you don't have that in your PROJECT table, then the data isn't in the warehouse correctly which is why you can't report on it.
If you can see and work with the CCM data in RTC, dashboards work and show content, etc, then there is something up with the Data Collection Jobs. Are you sure your etl_user has the right access privileges? This is likely going to need somebody from the RTC area to look at this. I'll send some email about it.
If you can see and work with the CCM data in RTC, dashboards work and show content, etc, then there is something up with the Data Collection Jobs. Are you sure your etl_user has the right access privileges? This is likely going to need somebody from the RTC area to look at this. I'll send some email about it.
Sterling Ferguson-II
Jun 28 '12, 3:34 p.m.Actually, we retraced our steps and are right here:
No data is given when we view the reports. We cannot pick a project.